Cool Distinguish Between Fund Flow And Cash Flow

The fund flow records the movement of cash in and out of the company.
Distinguish between fund flow and cash flow. But in cash flow statement the data obtained on accrued basis is converted into cash basis. Cash flow refers to the concept of inflow and outflow of cash and cash equivalents during a particular period. Fund flow refers to the concept of financial changes in working capital over a period of time.
A cash flow statement is concerned only with the change in cash position while a funds flow analysis is concerned with changed in working capital position between two balance sheet dates. Thus the difference between cash flow and fund flow highlights the conceptual limit of cash and a broader inclusion for funds. Lets look at some of the differences between cash flow and funds flow statement 1.
Short term financial pIanning is done through cash flow statement. The cash flow statement classifies the amount of the change according to operating investing and financing activities. In fund flow fund from the operations is calculated.
The major differences between cash flow statement and fund flow statement are as follows. The primary difference between the two is that money available in physical form as a currency is termed as cash while funds concern all the financial resources in their entirety. Inflows and outflows of cash.
It is used for preparing cash budgeting. Medium term and long term financial planning is done through funds flow statement. Inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents.
Cash flow analysis is a tool of short-term financial analysis while the funds flow analysis is comparatively a long-term one. While funds flow statement reveals the change in the working capital of a company between two balance sheet dates while cash flow statement reveals the change in the cash position of the company between two balance sheet dates. Cash flow refers to the overall cash generated by the firm in a specific accounting period and is calculated as the sum total of cash from operations cash flow from financing and cash flow from investing activities whereas the fund flow of the company records movement of the cash in and cash out from the company during the specified period of time.