Recommendation Significant Accounting Policies And Notes To Accounts

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Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts. Revenue Recognition A The following items are accounted for on accrual basis while recognizing revenue. Cost includes taxes duties freight and other incidental expenses related to acquisition. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND NOTES ON ACCOUNTS Company overview Infosys Technologies Limited Infosys along with its majority owned and controlled subsidiaries Progeon Limited Progeon Infosys Technologies Australia Pty.
The summary of significant accounting policies is a section of the footnotes that accompany an entitys financial statements describing the key policies being followed by the accounting department. A Method of Accounting. This summary is usually placed at or near the beginning of the footnotes.
The first note to the financial statements is usually a summary of the companys significant accounting policies for the use of estimates revenue recognition inventories property and equipment goodwill and other intangible assets fair value measurement discontinued operations foreign currency translation recently issued accounting pronouncements and others. Notes to Financial Statements 31 December 2013 24 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Continued Foreign currencies Continued The resulting exchange differences are recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in the exchange fluctuation reserve. Mindtree Limited Mindtree or the Company is an international Information Technology consulting and implementation company that delivers business solutions through global software development.
Other significant accounting policies These are set out under Significant Accounting Policies as. 2 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES CONTD a Basis of preparation contd New and revised standards In the current financial year the Group has adopted all the new and revised FRSs and Interpretations of FRSs INT FRSs that are relevant to its operations and. Significant Accounting Policies and Notes on Accounts 1.
Guidance notes Significant accounting policies Disclosure of accounting policies 1. Basis of preparation of financial statements. B Use of Estimates.
SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. Notes to the Accounts and Significant Accounting Policies Significant Accounting Policies aBasis of Preparation b Use of Estimates Fixed Assets are stated at cost. Limited Infosys Australia and Infosys Technologies Shanghai.