Exemplary Balance Sheet As On 31st March 2019

36080 b Bank Balances other than a above.
Balance sheet as on 31st march 2019. The Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2018 was as follows. It was agreed that. Financial information for the Fourth Quarter and Year ended March 31 2019.
Property Plant and Equipment. Capital Fund 1st April 2018 1080000 Building Fund 1st April 2018 2480000 Donation received for Building 600000 10 Building Fund Investments 1st 480000 April 2018 Interest received on Building Fund 48000 Investments Expenditure on construction of building 360000. Prepare Income Expenditure Account for the year ended March 31 2019 and a Balance Sheet as at that date from the following information.
2 of the outstanding receivable account is estimated to be doubtful of collection. 31st March 2019 31st March 2018 I. Following is the Receipts and Payments Account of Bharti Club for the year ended 31 st March.
2 6 percent has accrued on investments for five months and iv Building stands in the books at 5000 on 1-1-2018. Q14 Present the following items in the Balance Sheet of Queens Club as at 3 31st March 2019. Balance Sheet Statement of Profit Loss Cash Flow Statement and Notes to accounts for three months and year ended March 31 2019.
2019-20 Expenditure on construction of building 360000. 122 ITC Limited REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2019 Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2019 In terms of our report attached For Deloitte Haskins Sells Chartered Accountants P. As at March 31 2020.
As at March 31 2019. As at 31 st March 2020. The management of Zigby Manufacturing prepared the following estimated balance sheet for March 2019.